Mickey Bamboo and I discuss how to handle big projects, as he's launching one of his own.



I'm releasing a second story from Transformation Park: The Waltz!

Shy Landon is attending a romantic ball at the Park's Digital Disco with Katrina, his longtime best friend and secret crush. But Katrina's got a sercret of her own, a special, gender-bending surprise! Who's leading the dance now?

In Transformation Park, every ride and concession stand can transform reality. Get fattened up on the Hansel and Gretel Ride, attend a gender-bending ball, or watch your crush steal your muscles in the "Test Your Strength" booth. Over a dozen erotic transformation tales of all kinds await you inside...

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2 New Podcasts

Tuesday, 13 September 2016 Blog

I want to say thanks to everyone who got a copy of Transformation Park! Thanks to you it briefly hit the Amazon bestseller list for the Erotica category.

I also wanted to let you know that I've released 2 podcasts, "What's your Agenda?" and "Our Favorite Transformation Stories."